Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

Yoon Eun Hye tambah gemuk ?????

Penampilan Yoon Eun Hye selama menghadiri premier film “All About My Wife” di Samsung Dong Coex Mega Box Theater pada tanggal 10 Mei lalu tengah menarik perhatian publik. Sebagai tamu VIP, dia tampil cantik dengan mengenakan skinny pant berwarna hitam putih dan sepatu pump bewarna hitam. Selama ini, Eun Hye dikenal memiliki tubuh langsing dan kaki jenjang. Namun penampilannya malam itu membuatnya terlihat gemuk.
“All About My Wife” bercerita mengenai seorang suami yang menyewa pria playboy untuk mendekati istrinya berharap sang istri akan meminta cerai setelah jatuh cinta pada pria tersebut.

Translation :

Yoon Eun Hye looks for attending the premiere of the movie "All About My Wife" on Samsung Dong Coex Mega Box Theater on May 10 and the center of public attention. As a VIP guest, she look pretty wearing white skinny black pant and black colored pump shoes. During this time, Eun Hye was known to have a slender body and legs. But his performance that night made ​​her look fat. "All About My Wife" tells of a playboy husband who hires a man to approach her ​​hoping his wife would ask for a divorce after falling in love with the man.

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